Sunday, April 26, 2015

Uploading Samples to the Elektron Analog RYTM

Until the arrival of Overbridge (in the next few months?), samples need to be uploaded to the Analog RYTM the old fasioned way, via MIDI or MIDI-over-USB.   Here are some tips and hints that I found while uploading some of my drum samples to the AR.

Preparing Samples

The AR plays 48Khz / 16bit mono samples natively, but it will convert samples automatically when it receives them.   In order to get the best results, I think it would be better to use more sophisticated sample rate conversion and dithering on the computer rather than use whatever automatic conversion (which I'm sure is fine... but still).

I searched around for a while, and found Sample Manager by Audio File Engineering.  This allows you to easily apply various kinds of processing to a whole set of files.   I used:
  • Convert to mono
  • Normalization
  • Trim beginning below.
  • iZotope SRC
  • iZotope MBIT+ Dithering
  • Convert format

This was really easy.   I just set the target sample rate to 48Khz and the dithering to 16 bit, and the format to be WAV.   I adjusted the 'trim below' threshold so that it didn't chop off anything.


Set up the AR for fast sample uploading via USB:
  1. [Function]+Track to get to the GLOBAL menu.   Select MIDI CONFIG.  Press [Yes].
  2. Select MIDI PORT CONFIG, Press [Yes]
  3. Select INPUT FROM.   Use the left and right buttons to select USB.
Create a directory for a set of samples: 

  1. [Function]+Track to get to the GLOBAL menu.   Select SAMPLES.  Press [Yes].
  2. Navigate to the root directory,  Press the [Right] button to bring up the menu.
  3. Press [Down] multiple times to select [CREATE DIR]
  4. Use the [Function]+up/down/left/right to enter the name.  Press [Yes] when done.   Press [Left] to hide the right side menu.
  5. Select directories and repeat the process to create nested directories.
  6. When you've got the directory you want to upload a bunch of samples to created, navigate to it and press the [Left] button.
  7. Select UPLOAD HERE, press [Yes].   There will be a confirmation display.
Okay, now we're ready to upload using C6.
  1. Connect the computer to the AR with a USB cable.
  2. Launch C6 and click [Config]
  3. Make sure the Elektron Analog Rytm is selected in the MIDI In and Midi Out selectors so C6 will use USB.
  4. In the Sample settings section, make sure that all three checkboxes are checked:
    • SDS Handshake
    • Use Extended SDS
    • Send SPS-1UW Name

  5. Click [Ok]
  6. Select a set of prepared samples and drag them into  the file window in C6.
  7. Click [Send].   The AR will automatically begin receiving samples into the 'UPLOAD HERE' directory.
  8. Wait.

  9. Wait some more.
  10. Eventually all the files will be uploaded to the AR.

What about 'Turbo' Mode?

Don't worry about that if you're using USB.